Monday, November 24, 2014

Antigua Again

December 25...MERRY CHRISTMAS...Spent a very nice Christmas Eve day at the pool, then cooked the lovely red snapper for dinner along with some Prosecco and toasted in the Christmas Day.  Lost very very badly at rummy worst ever while Peter had the highest score in one hand that he has ever had.  Something for the record books.
It is very quiet here except for the bands playing last night and the karaoke from Crows Nest.  Give people a couple of drinks and they think they are Sinatra!  Think a lot of people headed out yesterday for St. Martin or other destinations.  Christmas dinner today with Lou and Lydia and their friends at the rental house and then tomorrow we are off.  Never did do the shakedown, figure it will happen on the way to St Kitts.  In a way, sad to leave this place, especially the beach and the pool!

December 23...We went into town yesterday by bus.  It is really interesting, the buses are not buses as such but extended mini vans.  The bus stops wherever and always looks for people to pick up so that the bus is full.  The driver will wait, drive down side streets, and back up on the main thoroughfare if he has an idea that someone would like to be picked up.  The interesting point about this is that the prospective passenger is in no hurry to get to the bus and just continues at their regular slow pace.  We certainly would not put up with that and this just makes the ride into town longer.  Oh, island time.
Well it is official, tablet is gone and probably will not be able to retrieve anything.  Did look at some at the duty free but decided to wait until St. Martin. 

On the way back to Jolly Harbour we ran into some donkeys that had gotten loose on the road with no intention of being corralled.  Quite a sight!

Plans to date were to leave here this morning for a shake down cruise but on waking up, Peter is far too comfy and decided we would stay for another two days and then leave here on Friday morning for St. Kits.  We have been invited for Christmas Day dinner to our Colorado lamb ranchers from Steamboat.  They have friends who have rented a house on the water here.  Should be a fun event.

Just been told we are leaving tomorrow for a shakedown cruise - probably out to Five Islands Bay.

All jobs have been completed, more or less, rigging was tightened yesterday and I am sure more things will be found to be done today.

Decenber 21...first day of winter

As promised!

Well it is official, my tablet is kaput!  Now have to decide what and how to fix this.  Tomorrow we will go into St. John's to a place called Cyberspace to see if they can do something with it and whether it is worthwhile.  Another option is to wait until St. Martin and purchase something there or wait until someone comes down and brings me a present!
We have completed all the ports and hopefully this is a job that is complete for the season.  Cockpit table has been sanded and will be teaked shortly.  We have been generally busy, busy.  The next discussion which we have had is to make a decision about leaving this fine place.  We thought we may make a start Tuesday, go to either Five Islands Bay or Deep Bay and then head out from there for either St. Kitts, St. Barts and then continue on to St Martin.  Going via St. Kitts would ensure day sails only and we are not in any rush. 
Apparently there was a mini tremor here the other day.  We felt nothing as we were helping friends with the boat and so were not on the dock.  I guess it is a common occurrence here.
Music from the bars around here is quite loud but we seem to sleep well.  The mosquitoes and noseeums are still attacking me in the most weirdest places.  Other than that, all is well!
December 19...Recaulked one of the side ports today while Peter was trying to fix the bow lights.  A problem and called our trusty electrician. The wire was corroded probably 4 to 5 feet back but luck was on our side and we were able to access from the v berth and able to replace the corroded wire.  Lots of rain last night, a good test for the new port, have to go back to the drawing board today. For those of you in the know, Spirit of Adventure, came in yesterday and docked directly across from us. Looks as if they are getting ready to go home for the Christmas season. Will post pics later - a bit awkward to start snapping.
December 18...We missed Al Porto as we had no reservations and they were booked.  What a disappointment. Perhaps next week.  Found out about two for one steaks at Sugar Ridge on Wednesday nights which we may try if we are still here.  A big bonus, they come to pick you up.
Yesterday we went into town, St. John's, and looked around for a hardware store to buy a few things rather than constantly going to Budget and paying the big bucks.  A Scottish lady who lives in Antigua sent us to Noons, which was at the top of the town.  Fifteen minutes later and profusely perspiring, we arrived only to find out they didn't have what we wanted.  They sent us to Kennedy's which was down at the bottom of town.  A plus--they had exactly what was required, clamps, WD40 with the straw nozzle attached for a fair price.  Another plus, found a department type store, Shouls, which was amazing.  So all in all, the walk was worthwhile.
Still no pictures as my tablet is still acting up.  Not sure if it is the wifi here or what.  Have to get out the camera and go the old fashioned route.  HaHa.....I have no Skype so if someone would like to reach only.
Collar of the aft cabin hatch has been fixed, running lights tested but bow lights out, a leak has developed in the fresh water line which needs to be sourced.  Does it ever end? 
December 16...Yesterday work was done on the aft head.  Motor pump was replaced.  Antigua seems to be the most expensive place on the planet to buy marine parts.  But all is well, looks as if most stuff for the time being is complete.  However, my tablet and Hotmail seem to be giving me problems which means no pictures to post.  Peter does have a camera on his tablet but it will only take selfies.  What's the point of that!  Tomorrow into town for a new pair of crocs for him and then who knows.  Tonight pizza night, 2 for 1, at Al Porto.  One of our favs......prosciutto and arugula for me, probably some type of sausage, pepperoni for Peter.

Not sure what Cinderella or Elvis or is that V.C. Bird had to do with the celebration but.......

Guess who is coming to town?

Christmas in the square
phew, finally made it to the dock!

December 13
one night at the wall

December 12

Guess what? After spending two full weeks plus one night in the condo, enough was enough. On to the boat on the hard! For the past two days, at a feverish pitch, thru hauls, hoses and shut off valves have been completed yesterday. The interior is more or less tidy with a lot pf bags lying round so we were able to move on to the boat. V berth has been set up for sleeping and there we were last night!
We thought we would be here until Tuesday as we had no engine and no steering which I guess aren't that essential to a sailing vessel and the travel lift is busy as well. But lo and behold, the gods were in our favour this morning as we were told we could go in - half hour turned into a bit longer but who cares - water was close!
No problem re the engine and steering -Wesley and Ivan were ready to go.
Wesley was on hand to check his terrific work and we splashed and continue to sit on the water. Presently tied to the wall but captain is sure we will be moving to a dock today. Only time will tell as work continues and it is 1 30 pm. We have a heavy date tonight for cocktails to see Hilda and Michael off. They are leaving for St. Martin at first light tomorrow.
brilliant lights in te Jolly Harbour square - blurring has nothing todo with me
December 9...Off today to the boat yard even though it is a national holiday here. Our mission today is to put up the dodger and bimini.  Well, things just shouldn't be this difficult.  After much struggling, pulling, tugging, removal again of the dodger, we were finally able to zip it all together! WOW! I would never have the idea that something could have been so so difficult. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that last year we didnt do it - it was brand new and Sean, from Trinidad had to install it as he made it to fit! Left the yard at approximately 1 p.m. But some good news, bad news again. The parts did arrive on a second plane last night and Wesley was ready to work but the yard was not allowing any motorized vehicles, that included our golf cart, into the yard nor were they allowing any work to be done. So work begins tomorrow. Our plans of loading the boat while we still had the golf cart with drinking water from the grocery store, which by the way never closes, were nixed!

December 8

Yesterday was a day off! Spent the day at the beach, relaxed, read, walked and swam. Surprisingly not too many people around, even the Jolly Harbour all inclusive resort was pretty empty, not at all like last spring. For dinner, the grouper which I purchased at the market on Saturday. Drinks at Crow's Nest where Peter was shown how to use his Navionics by Hilda and Michael, More Mischief. He is in awe of what the program can do!

As there was no wind this morning we decided to put the sails up. Began with the main sail and as always the Dutchman system gives us nothing but problems! Standing on deck on the hard in the blazing sun, one could wish for a bit of wind but of course that wouldnt work either - could be disaster! The sail cover also took a bit of tugging and pulling. We persevered and got the head sail up with relatively no problem.  Finally at about 2 30 we came back to the condo, exhausted.

All sounds as if we are on track - correct?  what about the parts due to arrive from Miami. Well, it appears they were bumped off the cargo hold on Friday and today. It appears! Well not to be believed by the captan here!  Supposedly on their way tomorrow but not due to arrive until 4 pm. -plus it is a public holiday tomorrow.  Work has been promised to commence on Wednesday, non stop! I don't know what will happen if parts don't arrive tomorrow. I don't I want to be there!
Tomorrow Tuesday - pizza at Al Porto - two for one - always a good time with friends and good food.

December 6...Well, good news and bad news - the parts did not arrive yesterday so Wesley won't be working today and tomorrow. He probably won't get them until Monday afternoon. So hopefully will start work on Tuesday. However, Tuesday is a national holiday but hopefully he will work!  i think it is a two day job at least but time will tell.  This morning I went to the market downtown and bought a few eggies and some grouper. It was cleaned for me and cut into steaks. Barbecued grouper tonight! There should be enough for at least two meals.  Tomorrow a day off for Peter - probably go to Jolly Harbour Beach and just spend a quiet day enjoying the sun.  It is now beginning to feel like a holiday!

December 5...

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

6, 7

8, 9, 10
December 2...Happy Birthday Brian
Morning off for me - laundry, baking rum cake and muffins. Peter off to supervise so we can launch on Thursday.
BREAKING NEWS!!  all the thru hauls that were to be replaced in the summer now really need to be replaced. Person left in charge dropped the ball big time! Many hoses need to be replaced that should have been replaced in the summer and these parts are not available at Budget Marine and need to be ordered from the States. Optimistically they will be here on Friday, work probably done on Monday and launch on Wednesday. But.......island time........!!! Good news is that Al Porto has two for one pizza tonight! And Peter thinks he remembers eating the entire pizza last year while I remember only half and the rest for lunch/dinner the next night. But perhaps after all the work he did today.............

December 1...At the boat all day today as we thought someone would come to start work. Peter finally went to the office to let them know we were here - right, like they didn't know! Propane tank will be filled by tomorrow, nasty hose clamp finally off, changed the spark plugs on the dinghy motor while I continued cleaning. The main salon is pretty much done, dishes almost all washed and so on. Desmond arrives tomorrow at nine so I think I'll stay back to do some chores here. I don't want to get in his way!

sunset tonight at Mosquito Bay - i didn't go - didn't want to provide more food for them!

November 30
view from Mistress' cockpit to our starboard side - lots of boats waiting to be worked on and launched!

November 29...
Happy birthday, Phil!
Pool should be opening today!  It had to be completely closed, drained because of Gonzalo.  I shall see!!
A quiz - Peter had this in his suitcase and cant' figure out what is is or what it is for - any ideas????

this piece fits into the other
November 28...Second day here, work work work although yesterday we did take it a bit easy! Mistress not ready to launch but trades are lined up and should launch sometime middles of next week. Condo is a god send - it is nice to come and relax. We have been out for dinner the last two nights but tonight a night with barbecued boneless ribs! Aside from the general cleaning, there is a list of endless repairs, for exampe, thru hauls being maintenanced, some hoses in the engine compartment being replaced and the shift transmission cable and the throttle cable being replaced as well. They are almost seized.  Removing some of the old hose clamps was a real challenge as their accessibility is almost impossible. Good news - rum is cheap! The number of boats being removed from the storage boat yard to the work yard is constant. We believe that many sailors will be down in the next week. If we do want to launch. it will be interesting as there are a number of boats that may have to be moved in order to get us into the water. But no fear, these are professionals here!
you don't see the mold!

doesn't look too bad!
Peter's new best friend!

November 26...
Back in Jolly Harbour!
Some history and background of our locationJust click on the links

November 25...Weather in Ontario is certainly changeable.  We have gone from one extreme to the other!!  Time to move on.