Saturday, April 11, 2015


Here we are approaching Vieques. 

Passage over has not been long from Brewers but a bit rough.  The first stop is Salina del Sur.  Have to be careful as there is a very shallow spot between Cayo Conejo and Roca Alcatraz.
signs on the beach, this area is still used to conduct military training

beautiful beach, no shade
As we approach, we can see two other boats, one of which is a Ketch, Second Hand Rose, anchor down, first time correct and we are here! Couple of wrecks here and a walk on the beach, lots of starfish in the water.  Very warm and no shade.

On our way to Sun Bay, further up the coast.  Decided not to go to Esperanza because of the uncertain holding the unsafe dinghy dock and the uncertainty of honest people.  Holding here is good and a very long beach with no one on it.  Called customs and we have to go to the airport.  Trick is how to get there.  Of course, somehow we always manage and off we go with a young man from New Jersey who came back to live with his mother.  Beautiful new airport and now we are legal.  On way back to boat, stopped by a store for some ice, drove through Esperanza and got a bit of history.
Sun Bay beach

turtle nesting area on Sun Beach

Sun Beach

airport view

student artwork at the airport


stopped for ice
into Esperanza

Thursday morning, our last anchorage for the season, and we are off to the west end of the island, a bay called Green Bay, near Point Bermudes.  Anchorage good and a fairly quiet night.  Really not much of a beach as we know it.
Green Bay

Green Bay
Friday morning, off to Puerto Rico, Palmas del Mar, a place Peter did not know he had been to.  Of course, super sleuth, managed to let him know he had been there in 2007, approximately.  At that time just a bay, with a shack of a restaurant.  Apparently, they were just beginning to build the marina.  This will be our final stop for the season.  Monday is haul out and Wednesday flight to Toronto.
We seem to have done well once again with our provisioning.  Not too much will be left to give away.

April 12...Here I sit at 1 30 in the morning, updating the blog.  We are in the marina, working hard and having trouble with Internet during the day.  Beautiful, large but pretty empty marina.  The entrance was a bit tricky in that there were huge swells at the narrow entrance before the marina.

All is well, sails down, dinghy motor up and tomorrow is haul out.