Thursday, December 29, 2016

Visit with Emily, December 25, 2016 to January 8

December 25...Emily arrived on time, in fact ten minutes early and I thought she was in first class, first row, as she was first off the plane. Drove to Palmas with no problem and had a wonderful Christmas dinner, cooked by me. A couple of predinner drinks, a bottle of wine and a visit to Dave's boat completed Christmas day.
Spent the 26th relaxing, at the pool, dinner on board and made plans for the next days.
December 27...A drive to SanJuan to West Marine and Best Buy for boxing day sale items but none to be had, then to the Arecibo radiotelescope. A stop for pizza at Ebenezers and we could have had a workout as well but all the equipment was gone. The radiotelescope was well worth the visit. Amazing! Hard to imagine that being built in the late '50's, then off to our deluxe hotel.....mmmmm.....passable and a quick visit to the last lighthouse built by the Spanish. Again quite lovely, well maintained. A tour through downtown Arecibo  and then a restaurant. Unfortunately, the wait for dinner quite lengthy, Peter's food not so good, Emily's okay, mine was excellent. TV at night, watched James Taylor being honoured.
December 27...McDonald's for breakfast, we knew what we were getting, then off to the Rio Camuy Caves. A long long wait for tickets and also to get down to the caves. We had already been but wanted to show Emily. Again a worthwhile tourist destination. Two o'clock and ready for a quick lunch...Subway...and then off to Casa Bacardi.
Well, we made it to the Barcardi tour! Interesting. Did you know they started out in Cuba, were nationalized in 1960, head office is in Bermuda and they have distilleries in Puerto Rico, Mexico, and ?....too much Bacardi, I guess.
Going back now.....tomorrow to deal with our new rigging.
January 1, 2017...Happy new year all!
Mast is back up, rigging looks good. Just a few minor checks to do. The guys worked like dogs to get it completed. Think they left about 8 pm or so. We were supposed to leave for Culebra the next morning but decided since the electric winch was defunct that we would postpone. There was a weather window but later in the afternoon the wind came up, rained cats and dogs so I was pretty glad we weren't out there testing the new rigging. 
We spent the afternoon at the pool, cocktails of course and then a predicted drink at the Tiki Bar. Off to Chez Daniel for dinner, excellent, then off to the Tiki Bar to join some people to bring in the new year.  Lots of fireworks, glad we were able to stay awake and actually feeling good this morning.
Plans so far up in the air!
January 5...Well, here we are in Esperanza, Viequese. Not on Mistress but on Lisa Marie, a power boat, 49 feet. Dave asked whether we wanted to go so here we are for one night. Gorgeous day. We were going to go to Culebra yesterday but apparently line for ferry was long long long. It has to do with Three Kings Day, a holiday akin to Christmas, celebrated in Puerto Rico. Will be back in marina tomorrow evening, hopefully winch will be fixed, will be able to test sails and then may be off late next week! We did try to book flights to Culebra but no go. Everything booked up!
January 6...Sunset last night.  Decided to stay an extra day and try for the Biobay luminescent bay. Going tonight. It was a good idea. Gorgeous day at the anchorage in Esperanza.
Well, we did the bay and a touch disappointing. But now we can say we have done it. Dinner at Bananas two nights, excellent and drinks were as well.
January 7...Off in the morning back to Palmas, only two hours. Visit to Esperanza exceeded expectations. Goes to show you have to try this at least twice, especially if disappointed first time. Perhaps that goes for the bay as well.
January 8...Emily off today and we planned a visit to San Juan. Found the bus station, right!, we were in a dedicated bus lane for a bit, reminding me of Peter and riding the streetcar tracks wrong way in Toronto.
Found the free trolley, rode as far as the fort, then got off and walked down through old San Juan. Found an excellent rooftop restaurant at Hotel Milan, Punta De Vista, offering mojhitos, two for one, excellent Mahi bites, and fish and steak tacos. Friendly waiters as well. 
On way to airport, stopped off at presidents and took some good photos. Sad to see Emily go. A good time was had for the two weeks.