Sunday, March 16, 2014


April 16

April 15
Last sunsets!

new mode of transport - dinghy in storage
next rental! - home on the beach
April 14...
Pool day - 40 x 80 foot pool - gorgeous!!!

April 13...
Beach day at Tranquility Bay, Jolly Beach Resort - quiet and restful - lunch at Castaways.

April 11
Hull has now been completely polished and work is all done - well, work is never done but that is all for now. The dinghy motor and dinghy have yet to be done but as we are still using it, it will have to wait till next Tuesday.

some better pics of Devil's Bridge
spray at Devil's Bridge
April 10...Day began leisurely as we decided to rent a car for the day and tour the island as land lovers. Main points we wanted to cover were Nonsuch Bay, Green Island and Devil's Bridge. All were accomplished and were back in Jolly Harbour before dark!
Kia Picanto
Harmony Hall - a converted sugar mill
art gallery at Harmony Hall
went to Harmony to catch a boat to Green Island - if ate lunch there the ride was only $5US - we choose sandwiches instead to take with us and it was $10US - no lunch was $35US
Sugar Mill

Nonsuch Bay - a must see!
north side of Nonsuch
Willoughby Bay from lookout point
OOPS! Going toooooo quickly through the pot holes
when is the last time this has happened to anyone? trick is to find a level part on which to do the work - so the road is best - where are those flashers anyway??
Devil's Bridge lookout with a view to Nonsuch
Devil's Bridge
the Bridge!
very interesting rock formations - very dry at the moment
vista toward Long Bay from the Bridge
and how many bent areas had to be hammered?? - cost was $10EC - about $4 but we gave them 20 so they may afford a bottle opener to open beer rather than their teeth!

April  8

on the hard - front and center
 homes on the water across from the yard

April 5

friend at cocktails last night
April 1
the view from our upstairs balcony......

directly out back of condo - Dave you'll recognize this 'Rebirth' - a Goderich from Goderich!!
Out of the water! Once Mistress was out of the water, bottom power washed and surprisingly not that many barnacles perhaps due to cleaner waters further north than Trinidad. Left in the sling as the fellows broke for lunch and we went to our new home. It felt really good to have lots of space!
and up!
perfect back in!

March 30...Not much news worthy - been slightly busy but not taxed. Ready to go at 10 30 a.m. tomorrow for haulout.. Beautiful evening tonight, a cool breeze and seemingly no mosquitoes!

March 27

N17 04.001 W061 53.002
morning at Jolly
Having left Deep Bay several days ago - its seems like weeks we tried to sail in to Jolly Harbour but to no avail. No wind! stopped for a lunch break in Five Islands, close to the Hermitage Resort and then made our way into the marina. So sad to know that the sailing aspect is over and now clean up begins! Next day first thing, at 7 a.m., the head sail came down before the winds came up. Folded and bagged! Then the dodger and bimini folded and parts left out for repair. Next came the main sail, folded and bagged and ready to be picked up the next day for repair. Did some stainless polishing and exhausted. Next day, discussed what needed to be done over the summer.
Hermitage Resort in Five Islands
Five Islands - channel into Jolly
heading in!

March 21...First day of spring and hopefully all Ontarians are getting ready for it, although news is not good. Reports are for more snow, some freezing rains and whatever else may come your way.  Decided yesterday to go for lunch as there really isn't anywhere open here for dinner except Coral Cove, so walked down to Runaway Bay. Reports on time for walk...anywhere from five to 45 minutes. Think it was somewhere in between.
Restaurant recommended by Mr. Doyle called Lobster Shack. Lovely environment and prices in US dollars - should have known! We were the only customers. Lovely beach that had a breakwall to protect from the swells, lovely waitress who served beer in ice cold frozen glasses. What a treat! Ordered and waited and waited. We saw them hailing a fishing boat in the bay and we believe our catch was fresh, whatever there was of it. Peter ordered red snapper and got a quarter of a half fish and I had the lobster roll which had a few pieces of lobster on top of a toated hot dog bun. Tasty but for US20 a bit of a rip. Originally we were enamoured with the location and ready to move the boat to the bay so that we could go for supper the next night but after that we decided to stay put. Apparently they are not open all the time anyway, only for cruise ships and when we asked where everyone was, the waitress didnt know why no one had shown up. Strange!
Caught a cab to First Choice supermarket for a Digicell top up and some grocercies for a couple of more meals. On the way, driver picked up a fellow from Mystic, another local restaurant. He looked exactly like Thomas, so much so I wanted to take a picture, but didn't, and found out he worked for the Costa Line that was in port.
sky after sunset
sunset last night
sea gulls bathing at Lobstar Shack
beach at the Shack with casino in distance
March 20...With much sorrow left Great Bird Island, such a peaceful place with no other boats except for the snorkelers coming from cruise ships and town. But one good thing they are nowhere near us and then leave by 4 pm. Motored to Parham with the anticipation of having dinner out for change. Motored through many reefs again and into Parham Bay. There were moorings of some kind but choose to anchor. A loss - Peter's new Antigua hat blew off his head, hat clip and all. We both saw something in the water but thought it was part of a mooring and only realized later what it really was. Parham, hmmmmm, what can be said - not much. It is described as a sleepy little town that was once the second most important port in Antigua. Hard to imagine! Although they have built a new fishing facility at the water. We toured around looking for gas for the generator, none, looked for the restaurant mentioned in the guide, no longer there or changed hands and they didn't open until three. Even the picture in the guide of the ruins was entirely different, overgrown. The picture must have been taken 15 years ago. Needless to say, a disappointment although the holding was good. We should have known as it is all very industrial around there. Probably the only thing it has going for it is the accessibility to the airport. We figured the boats that were there, one, and one arrived as we were leaving, were picking up from the airport. It would not,however,be worthwhile going there just for that! Left after a quick lunch and headed to what seems to be the next fav spot, Dickenson Bay, where the holding is good and the winds die at night.
treacherous reefs with sticks marking the ends
modern airport
into the Bay

entrance to church

modern home

and directly across the street.........
vine covered ruins
fish market where the activity was
Prickly Pear on way to Dickenson Bay - one of the resorts has a bar and beach umbrellas there - only access is by small boat
March 18...Another day has passed and we are still here at Great Bird Island. Yesterday took pictures with underwater camera from the top of the island, photographed a sea gull nesting but as I don't have a way to load the pictures. We had to go back again today with my ever trusty tablet - sea gull had moved further in the rock.  A very restful day comprised of just reading and not much else. Watched a fisherman diving for conch and talked to him later at the beach. He will drop by tomorrow with snapper as I didn't want the parrot fish - too many bones. Have plans tomorrow to finally move on to Parham although it is so peaceful here - we are the only boat!

looking east from top of Great Bird
looking north

looking west
so solitary
blow hole at the top of Great Bird

March 17...Quick motor from Jumby to Great Bird Island through perilous reef infested waters. Dinghied around some smaller islands and previewed the events for today - walking up the hills and some snorkeling.  Did see a large manta ray which I thought was a big rock.  A lovely cocktail hour on the beach with 'Secondhand Rose', Lou and Lydia and Bug who we met in Salt Pond, USVI, last year. Harvest moon last night was exceptional!
harves moon
tip of Long Island - passage through the reef to Nonsuch Bay and Green Island which we are not sure of takung - reefs on either side and depth is approx. 6 1/2 feet - can we do it?
rounding the southern tip of Maiden Island - beautiful water colours

Goodbye Dickenson Bay and going directly into the wind to Parham Sound. Lots of reefs to watch out for on the north shore and in the sound itself. Arrived in Jumby Bay, on Long Island, an exclusive resort and large private homes, anchored and then took dinghy into Davis Bay another exclusive area where they discourage yacht anchorage. Walked the beach at Jumby with permission to dock at their dock.

sand bar just off the beach

Jumby Bay beach
Jumby Bay home
rounding point from Davis Bay to Jumby
Davis Bay home

Decided to stay in Dickenson Bay for one more night. It gives us a chance to stock up - a good grocery store a short cab ride away - because the north east part of the island doesn't seem to have shopping or not too much variety. Also will have a chance to walk and swim on this crowded beach.