Monday, March 10, 2014


March 13...recorded at high noon - arrived Dickenson Bay at approx. 2 15 pm. Part 1 and 2 video of sailing at high seas.

Unbelievable - I think I've died and gone to heaven!

An interesting day today so far. Lunch was planned at Uncle Roddy's, lobster only thing on the menu so we decided to test the waters for the dinghy anchorage outside his restaurant. Careful motoring through the coral reefs and decided that it was way too far to go especially not knowing the condition of the beach. Peter dropped me off at the end of the KClub property, this time my tablet in a plastic bag. I walked the property along the beach - and checked it out.
abandoned pool
the way it was

the way it was
a cottage on the property
Got to the private airport which services the Coco Club and parked myself on the beach. A helicopter and plane flew overhead so close I almost thought they were landing on the beach.

Helicopter approaching with Coco Beach passengers
more  resort people coming in!
Peter meanwhile had gone back to the boat. What a gorgeous place! As one can see I am competely enamoured here and don't want to leave.
my stuff on the beach
the anchorage
after sunset last night
March 12...Left the anchorage at the west end to check out the anchorage at the south called Cocoa Beach with the intention of heading back to Antigua if the rollers were too great. No problem we decided and anchored in about 20 feet back at the pack of about four other boats. Later in the afternoon decided to go ashore to the Coco Beach Hotel even though it was a bit iffy in landing the dinghy in the swells.
coming in to beach dinghy
one of the lovely cabins at the resort
view of Princess Diana Beach to K Club
view toward Coco Beach Club
Again no problem. I took a walk around, some photos and walked around the point which is called Coco Point. Left Peter on the beach to guard the dinghy which turned out to be a good thing as he did have to go in and rescue it and put the anchor on shore rather than in the water. On my return,  a security guard came over to explain that this was a private facility and we would have to leave but we could go by the K-Club which is now defunct and use their beach. It turned out that he visits Toronto every summer! Peter got in the dinghy, motored further down and I decided to walk further down the beach. Again, Peter put the anchor on the beach and waded out of the water to meet me. Suddenly without warning a rogue wave picked the dinghy up and washed on to the shore!! We tried and tried to get the dinghy back in to the water but after the dinghy filling up with water, and continually being beaten back to the beach after about a half hour of WORK we had to reconsider our options. One of the big obstacles was that I had my tablet with me and did not want to get it submersed.
beached dinghy - taking a rest!
After a rest and me hoping that someone would come and rescue us - but why would they - Peter and I got the dinghy beyond the swells, he hopped in, prayed the motor would start as the gas tank had been upside down in the water, it did, and away he went to get a plastic bag for my tablet. My hero! I walked further up the beach back toward the Coco Beach Club and he came back with the bag (dare I say with a hole in it) but all was well and I jumped in - well he hauled me in as it was pretty deep and away we went back to Mistress. Another adventure in the life of....
We did meet an Italian couple on the beach who did offer their help. They were camping on the beach at the K Club and said that everyone called the beach here Princess Diana as she loved to come to the KClub and walk the beach - it apparently was one of her favourite places and I can certainly see why.

rounding Palmetto Point on way to Coco
first glimpse of Coco Beach
March 10
arriving Barbuda
A good sail up from Antigua this morning - fair winds and waves. South of Barbuda, I spotted what looked like a huge reef with waves crashing against it but it turned out to be a whale playing in the water. We saw its tail flip up a number of times and water spout from its blow hole. Unfortunately  the only picture I could get was a big splash!
the splash!!
doesn't look like much but trust me they are!
Arrived at the island's west shore and anchored in good holding but due to the incredible high swells not sure if we will be able to make it ashore to walk the 11 mile sandy beach and certainly won't be swimming in. The island is actually much like Anegada from the first impression but less crowded.
We have become very spoiled for the past two weeks - all anchorages have been calm in the evenings and overnight but I expect this to be pretty rolly... at least the holding is good!
Barbuda is actually part of Antigua and only the 'expert' yachts people should come here because there are so many reefs and shoals. It is only 125' above sea level and half the size of Antigua with only 2000 inhabitants.