Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Twillingate, Nfld

June 13, 14...Long drive to Twillingate, about five and a half hours including short stop at Gander for a quickie lunch at Tims. Late aŕrival to a B&B overlooking the harbour. Unfortunately, raining with temperature of 10 C. Brrrrr
Woke up to very cold this a.m. and winds of 20 to 25 knots. Knew we wouldn't be going out to view the icebergs on iceberg alley. Drove to lighthouse where there are lots of walking trials but way tooooo windy. Almost got blown off the viewing area.
A visit to the Twillingate Museum was worthwhile, then a drive to the marine museum which was closed. That left the next option, the Auk Vinery for a tour. Only four full time employees and they ship 15,000 cases of varying wines a year. Most berries are supplied by locals for the wines. Neat names like Moose Joose, Jellybean Row, Funky Puffin, then on for lunch of chowder and mussels and cod burger.
Later that evening scouted out restaurants for dinner. Anchor Inn nice but not too home style. Ended up in same place as lunch for lobster, crab and a seafood platter. Excellent!

Tom's dinner
Peter's dinner
Helga's and mine.....check out the fork!