Saturday, April 02, 2016

Palmas del Mar, Puerto Rico

April 1...No, it is not an April fools day joke. We are finally here at the marina. The way in was a bit rough and we, or rather I, had a bit of a scare coming across from Culebra. A bit rough and I ended up sitting on the cockpit floor doing crossword puzzles so I wouldn't have to look out at the rolling seas. But we made it and had our life jackets on.
Wow we have been here almost a week! We have not had Internet which meant going back and forth to the office so rather difficult to post anything. L&L and Bug left yesterday.  We rented a car and drove them to the airport. After that, we drove into old San Juan and did a bit of touring. We parked and walked along Constitution Avenue where presidents of the US who have visited PR are life size in bronze. On the way back stopped by Walmart in Humacao to renew our phone package.
The last week here has been rainy and overcast in the morning and clears late afternoon. Some afternoons have been spent at the pool.
This morning was bad bad weather..... downpour and could hardly see in front of you. But since we had the car for only the morning we had to replenish some groceries to last for at least one week. Off to Capri and Ralphs. We have been slowly doing some cleanup to get the boat ready for haul out  April 12. And I mean slowly. This afternoon Peter spent long hours trying to remove two of the blades from the wind generator as next year we already have replacement ones.
and today is April 5th.....where does time go? Working hard or slowly at getting boat ready to haul. Cleaning, tidying, sorting. We have the cleanest bulges ever probably in the history or Mistress. Worked hard on those. Late afternoons are spent relaxing, reading and swimming at the pool which is nice.
Later spent time doing the head sail. It is now bagged and on deck. It is much cooler at 5 30 to do this than even first thing in the morning. Chrome has been ophsoed and rinsed. Today pick up rental car, check time for haul out, Walmart for incidentals!
So very calm in the marina last night and this swells at all!

April  9...slowly working...ahead of schedule. Decided to haul a day early because of rain forecast on the Tuesday. Only thing left to do is our Florida room to be put away and the main sail to be wrapped. Almost all packed and food ready to give away. Exciting!
Yesterday we took a road trip down the east coast of PR as far as Marina del Ray. Passed by the Malecon in Naguabo which is a seaside resort with a boardwalk and looks out to Monkey Island. Very nicely done and some good fish restaurants. Looks like a fishing village as well. Passed by Roosevelt Roads, the former town which was a large naval base on the island. Closed now and they have road blocks so you can't even get in past the gate. Over to Ceiba and along the waterfront. Large family park with lots of shelters for shade, barbqs. There was a flying club there....amazing, we saw a fellow come down from the sky. Unfortunately, his landing was not too perfect but I don't believe he hurt himself
it really is amazing...they have these huge fans on their back put on just like a knapsack.
And today at 6 pm we are done! Haul out was to be at 10 but yesterday we were informed they didn't have enough stands so we would have to wait until 1 pm today. No matter, got the final laundry done, vacuumed, fridge, freezer done, goodness knows what else. We were ready and anxious but of course the yard was not ready for us. We left the dock at the Yacht Club at 1 pm and docked near the travel lift, in other words forcing the issue a bit. By the time we hauled, had the bottom cleaned and the travel lift had moved us to our spot and the stands in place it was about 4 pm. Lots of sitting around as the boat is off limits until it is secure. Then it was a mad dash to put lines, fenders away, water tanks filled, heads flushed and goodness knows what else. It's like moving!  Glad the boat is put away.
An aside, the boat that burned in Charlotte Amalie about three weeks ago....well it was towed to Varadero@Palmas and was sitting in the boat yard. Apparently it still floats! The story goes that Norweigian Cruise line wanted to go on board when they were helping to put out the fire but the St. Thomas fire department wouldn't allow them. They wanted to contain the fire by dropping some type of foam into the cabins which stops the spread of fire aboard a vessel but were not allowed.....sounds like a law suit somewhere
Tomorrow begins our journey west after a good rest in a real bed with a real shower and mirrors! Oh oh, I don't really want to look! Lol
at the Yacht Club - B39, the best place to swells
gorgeous vista and pool which hardly anyone uses
channel coming in to the Yacht Club
sand castle building at Flamenco on Culebra
lift bridge at Dewey, Culebrita, permantly down
shaking hands with Obama in San Juan

left over tanks on Flamenco, Culebra.  this is the place the US used for naval training.  all residents who lived here were forced to leave. The US used this from 1900 to 1970 or so and it was Nixon who pulled the military out.
sunset at Rosario. Culebra