Thursday, September 12, 2013

A NEW ADVENTURE - Sailing Greece

Updated as of October 9, 2013...Well an error has occurred and I have lost everything. Hopefully you have been reading all updates. Currently in Prague after taking bus and metro downtown, visiting some sights, having late lunch, etc. Will have to go back and fill in but not now!!
Metro stop
St Nicholas church, oldest in Prague, chandelier is shaped in Tsars crown
building in background shows renovations being done-big difference between the old and new

building with over two hundred new stores had an archeological site that was protected
lunch today at the municipal centre where the declaration of independence of Czechoslovkia was declared by Jan Masaryk
Terminal 2 for all flights in the Shengen area in the EU. We arrived, flew out and will fly out tomorrow to Warsaw and then Toronto!
leaving Athens early this morning, Sept.29
Supper with friends, early night after touring Temple of Zeus, Dionysous theatre, and botanical gardens.
Temple of Zeus
Hadrians Arch
Theatre of Dionysus
Theatre of Dionysus
Arrived in Athens after long bus trip from Milena. Peter and I hopped on the public bus from the drop off point as others were going on to Italy. No problem using the public bus and we knew exactly where to go and get off as we were staying at the same hotel, Athens Gate, as previously. Rested for a bit and then headed off to the Acropolis. Late in the day there are not as many people, no tour groups and for the long climb up, the heat is definitely less.

part way up, the theatre
view of theatre and new museum from the top

view of Athens
view of theatre, concert tonight
Arrival in Milena after the race. We had a late start and managed to take over a few boats that started on time.
Lots of commotion back at home base. Crews were certainly working their butts off getting all one and two week charters securely fastened to the dock in a relatively small space. Debriefing, packing and getting ourselves ready for the group party tonight and presentations. Early morning tomorrow as have to be off the boat by 9 a.m.
leaving Sophia Cove - beautiful calm water
Sophia Cove -stunning
entering Sophia Cove
Arrived at Palaio Trikeri one of our last overnight stops. Pretty little town and seems to be isolated a bit.
Palaio Trikeri
on the dock at Palaio Trikeri
leaving Khondri Ammos
leaving Khondri Ammos
large quarry outside of bbq bay

Left bbq bay or Khondri Ammos this morning after the egg toss. Our egg design did not survive, however the splat on the deck was contained. Some others were not and nice yellow yolks were splattered over Buff`s deck.
Will dropping egg containers from first and second spreader
Left Skiathos Town and sailed to Khondri Ammos or bbq bay for a feast put on by Will, Polly and Sam. Feast it was with pork chops, chicken, sausages and all kinds of salads, baked potatoes and garlic bread. Sing song around an almost campfire and allthe Brits wanted to know why the Canadians had no songs. Lovely time!
 Amazing how we were able to get 12 boats side by side in such a small bay!
bbq bay
view from the bow
Learned there are many types of ways to moor a boat - using stern to with anchors and stern lines, stern to with anchor and shore lines, stern to with lazy lines and stern lines and just plain old anchoring and sometimes rafting and backing in to docks. All done without incident.
jellyfish--someone thought they were underwater mines , they looked like they were attached to the bottom-Polly assured us they wouldnt hurt but who wanted totake the chance of being bitten
Greek fishing boat
Skiathos Town on Isle of Skiathos
at the Skiathos town dock
Skiathos Town
swimming to another beach
more fishing boats
Our first day of rain here and we decided to move on to town rather than stay at the beach. Some time to ponder about some mishaps that have occurred--forgotten cash in hotel safe, painter line wrapped around prop, windless cord tangled, anchor lost from shackle, dinghy lost air, old gas in dinghy motor, main halyard wrapped around steaming light, stern light lost but recovered, missteps off planks, anchor chains caught on fishing boat. Luckily all was rectified by various participants. Perhaps there was more but we did not hear or have forgotten! Just another happening or happenings out at sea!
Koukounaires Beach, the seventh most beautiful in the world!

Koukounaires Beach
black swan at the beach
view of Loutraki Harbour-town of Glossa above it
Mama Mia!-view from top of church
at the top-mama mia
tour boat coming to view the scene
the big climb
Skopelos town
Skopelos Town
beach at Steni Vala
approaching Steni Vala
two large homes at Steni Vala-two Italian men apparently own them, live in the lower home and rent out the upper one for 700 euros a day

We spent two days in Steni Vala-two reasons-were advised swells at our next port of call were expected to be large and the other was that we felt just needed a day of relaxation. Peter and I spent the afternoon at the beach. Upon arrival back at the boat I mentioned why were the police there and it turned out a ferry had wanted to dock and we were in their usual docking spot but they were not to come in today. Because of the swells they could not go to their original destination so had wanted to drop their passengers off at the beach for a couple of hours. Just a bit of scrambling!!

Just an update, the flotilla is loads of fun. There are 11 boats in the flotilla including the lead boat. The lead boat has a young couple, Brits,  who are the skipper and a sort of social director--Will and Polly along with Sam the engineer.  The flotilla comprises of three Canadian boats, one group of three French men and the others are all Brits.  We seem to be so busy--no time to read barely or it has been difficult to do this as my computer was dead and finally last night I was able to charge.  No time to load pictures from the camera.
Patitiri-just as swells beginning
Old Town at the top of Patitiri - old graveyard
Yesterday Peter and group went to the top of the hill at Patitiri and some lovely views from the old town. Leaving there was no problem as the swells had disappeared and we found a lovely bay, Kokkalias Cove. We were the only ones there.  Motored to our overnight stop, Steni Vala and had an uneventful mooring, bow in with long ketch out the bow.  Dinner last night fantastic, best supper yet, had tuna steak and so much there is enough for my lunch.  Met my Greek friend again, lovely man and had a chat again.

Well, you have probably been wondering where we are.  I have no idea.  Somewhere in Greece....and it is all just Greek to me. Sitting in the dark here at Patitiri on the Island of Alonnisos and rocking, rolling and harbor has been described by a local as a washing machine.  Good description.  But he promised that in a couple of hours it would be calmer.  That was three hours ago.  Still waiting but managing to finally access the Internet.  This was our free day.  We did have a lovely time at Limnonari on the Island of Kopelos and the weather there was perfect.  This evening has been our free evening without the lead boat and there are a number of us here experiencing the same thing.  My computer seems to be dead, perhaps just the power cord but have been too busy to figure it out.  Every day and night there seems to be something new and interesting to do.  Pictures are not loaded and perhaps can get to it tomorrow.  The weather has been great and really enjoying the local atmosphere.  Just busy busy busy!

Just sitting in lobby and shortly leaving to catch the bus to Milena to pick up the boat!
Arrival in Milena, day 2 in Pighadi, day 3 in Orei and today off to Panourmous.
squid at dock at Pighadi