Sunday, July 01, 2018

Puerto Rico

view from hotel
Tuesday was laundry day and Emily our DD drove us to find a laundry.  Quite an experience.  Peter stayed back to finished up the boat.

view from the boatyard
 Left the boat yard about 5 p.m. and on to the BestWestern in San Juan.  Out for dinner for Truifongo a local dish, basically a mash of green and sweet plaintain and cassivata|??  Today a walk on the beach outside our hotel and then home.  Last night when I woke up in the middle of the night I experienced the rocking action as if we were on a rolly anchorage.  Guess that will take a while.
On Sunday, took a break and visited the El Yunque rainforest.  The various colours of green were amazing.  Emily and I did a hike down to the main falls where you could swim.  But so many people, everyone else was there as well. So many falls along the way.  The way down was about a half hour walk, swimming in the falls 15 minutes and another half hour back.  Great exercise.

viewing tower constructed in the 60s to replace one construsted in 1937

view from the tower
more empty docks and why is this boat going out
same boat crashing in the waves out to sea
more empty docks

empty docks
The marina is great, clean, nice pool, gorgeous views but just one problem.  The swells come in, bounce off the break wall and bounce back on another one.  This makes for a really rolly night.  The one line has chafed and we feel as if we are being snapped back every once in a while.  Apparently, the engineers are working on it and they promise us it will be corrected on our return.
part of the break wall surrounding the marina and yet the swells stills come in
gorgeous view from the pool
April 12...
entering the marina at Palmas del Mar
marina in the distance
Here I sit at 1 30 in the morning, updating the blog.  We are in the marina, working hard and having trouble with Internet during the day.  Beautiful, large but pretty empty marina.  The entrance was a bit tricky in that there were huge swells at the narrow entrance before the marina.
sun today while working, that's the top of our mast

this was amazing and don't really know what it was
a beach walk over to Wydham Hotel, beach was full of seaweed

other side of the beach, red flags were up, no swimming and a huge turtle nesting area

Emily and I sat in the outdoor lobby, people watching
our friend, Iggy
More pictures of marina, marina wall and swimming pool to come.  The swells come into this marina bounce off a far wall and back and it feels as if we are at an anchorage.  Work this morning, and then off to the rain forest for the afternoon.

All is well, sails down, dinghy motor up and tomorrow is haul out.